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GETTING BETTER FOR MEN... Discover Paul's story.
Podcast #9 Etre mieux au masculin.jpeg

90% of the people who come for internships or whom I have for coaching are women.

So aren't men interested in working on themselves? Don't they need to get better? Or is something else going on? Is there a kind of cultural, collective belief at play?


In this podcast, I discuss this subject with Paul, whom life brought before bringing him to face himself and to rebuild himself... He tells us about his path, the beliefs he had to overcome and the work he has done to stop appearing… and finally BE.

Find me on Facebook Better and Happy and on Instagram Better_and_Heureux .

29.01.2021       36 min.

#9 Aller mieux au Masculin... découvrez l'histoire de PaulMieux et Heureux
00:00 / 19:36
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